How to be like Albert Einstein without working hard


There are a lot of life hacks that will make you be like Albert Einstein and even think like him….

There are a lot of life hacks that will make you be like Albert Einstein and even think like him….

Six key steps to developing your thinking ability and be like Einstein 

1.Question everything:

*Questioning is a good way to learn.It can help you think clearly.

*It is a good way to develop your critical thinking skills.

*Helps you find solutions to your problem

2.Practice mindfully:

*Mindfulness is way of paying attention to the present moment 

*Helps you focus on the task at hand 

*Helps you be more aware of your emotions

*It also helps you reduce more anxiety 

3.Train your brain:

*Mental exercise is like physical exercise ,your brain needs to be exercised

4.Hang out with smart cookie friends:

*Spend time with people who challenge you

*Find people who are smarter than you and learn from them

*Find people who are less smarter than you and teach them

*Dont be  afraid to ask questions 

5.Read a lot every day:

*Reading helps your brain to stay active 

*Reading helps you to learn new things 

*It helps you to develop a better vocabulary 

*It also helps you to improve your memory 

6.Spend time with others:

*Socializing is good for brain

*Helps you explore new things 

*Helps you stay physically healthy 

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